Supply of scolarisation kits for children from disadvantaged scools in Cambodia in the provinces of Kampong Thom and Kampong Speu.

Going to school is an opportunity that millions of children are deprived of. In Cambodia many children are living in very poor conditions. Although school is theoritically free the school supplies are expensive. In addition, children who live far away are out of school by lack of transportation facilities.

With this project I wish to help 6 to 10 years old children to access primary education in order to improve their conditions of living.

The aim is to fund scolarisation kits (school supplies and uniforms) as well as purchasing bikes.

These kits and bikes will be bought locally with the help of my local representative Tola OL who will help me voluntarily in my actions.In order to certify that all of the material will be effectively given to the children of the selected schools I will distribute the tools by myself on site.

We have selected 2 schools among the most precarious villages : one school at Trapaeng Pdao (120km from Phnom Penh) and one school at Tréa (53km).

In order to devote most of the budget for the children we will limit the logistical expenses to a participation of 500€ for the flight tickets. I will finance by myself the complement and other expenses (meals, accommodation, transportation, time…).

  • About 165 kits and 40 bikes will be bought with 9500€.

I really count on you to help me to achieve this project, which I care very deeply about, and allow to improve the future of these children.

Asociados a este proyecto

TechNeola –Tola OL, Founder and Executive DIrector

Tola is our local representative. He volunteers and brings his help to prepare and achieve this project. He will also be our guide and interpreter on site.

Join us !

A budget of €10,000 is allocated by TIA to implement the ENVIES project, supported by an employee and chosen by the team. If you wish to participate by making your human, logistical or financial contribution, fell free to contact us.
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