663 millions of people in the world have no access to drinkable water. African women have to walk daily for an average of 6 km in order to get drinkable water. Every minute a child dies of a disease caused by contaminated water. The village of Paúl has the best water resource of the archipelago of Cape Verde thanks to many sources. However, most of this water is used for agriculture at the expense of drinkable water for local population. In addition, the current water system is constitued of water gutters built before the independance whose state is nowadays very degraded and leads to significant losses. The project consists to set-up :
- A groundwater catchment facility, with a small overflow tank
- A HDPE pipe fixed on cement pillars. Total length : about 2000 m
- A storage water tank of 15 to20 m3, including manual chlorination unit
- Drinking water network feeding thehousings.
This project will allow :
- Making available a sustainable, closeness and quality water ressource to the local inhabitants
- Reducing water carrying burden for women which will help them to participate to meaningful activitives
- Inverting rural exodus and promote the establisment of new housings
- Sustainably preserving water resource and environment